  • Governance I Risk I Compliance Management


April 20, 2022

MUBADALA INVESTMENT COMPANY PJSC has successfully demonstrated compliance with ISO 37301 standard requirements and attained ABAC Certification in ISO 37301 CMS (Compliance Management Systems) (ABMS) for services of Corporate/Admin Department of Ethics & Compliance Office: Code of Conduct policymaking & implementation, Advisory on due diligence, reporting to regulatory functions & internal committees, Investigation & Reviewing. Excludes all other departments, activities & subsidiaries of ‘Mubadala’.

We applaud Mubadala on its newest CMS certification!

Become ISO certified… 

ABAC® is designed to help develop processes and systems that help your organisation effectively manage compliance risks and foster a system-wide business integrity culture With ISO 37301 CMS certification you can:

  1. Safeguard your organisation’s reputation
  2. Strengthen your organisation’s position in international business deals
  3. Become attuned to new & exiting laws, rules & regulations globally
  4. Verify your current compliance management system
  5. Correct potential breaches in a swift & effective manner
  6. Prove your organisation’s integrity levels & business values
  7. Be alerted when the risk of breaching any regulation exists
  8. Reduce the risk of prosecution – courts in multiple jurisdictions can consider an organisation’s overall commitment to compliance when determining penalties in corruption-related legal cases

We offer a complimentary GAP analysis to our clients who opted for the ISO 37301 CMS, Integrated Management System including both ISO 37001 ABMS and ISO37301 CMS in one go to reduce the costs and efforts. Get redeem code now

What do you need to Get ISO 37301 CMS Certified?

  • Compliance policies and procedures
  • Personnel controls and training
  • Compliance objectives and planning to achieve them
  • Policies regarding reporting, monitoring, investigating and reviewing
  • Management, leadership, commitment, and responsibility
  • Risk-assessment procedures
  • Financial, commercial, and contractual controls
  • Corrective action and continual improvement of the CMS

The benefits of ISO 37301 CMS Certification?

Certification against ISO 37301 demonstrates your organisation’s commitment towards an effective compliance management system and any of its applicable subsections like:

  • General compliance
  • Anti-bribery
  • Sanctions
  • AML
  • Export control
  • Data privacy.

The inclusion of these subsections demonstrates its wide-ranging applications and its potential to revolutionise your overall compliance efforts. However, as with all of ISO’s standards, the requirements are broad enough to allow you to build a system that best suits the needs of your organisation, deciding upon the scope, location, number of people we interview, depth of the audits within the organisation, and which subsections to include.


The new standard will complement the existing ISO 37001, Anti-bribery management systems – Requirements with guidance for use, which helps organisations combat bribery both in their own operations and throughout their value chains.