  • Governance I Risk I Compliance Management

Important Update: ISO 37001 Amendment 1 and Implications for Compliance and Stakeholder Requirements

ISO 37001:2016 is the global benchmark for anti-bribery management, and recent updates, especially Amendment 1:2024, have made climate action a key component.  This change presents a strategic opportunity for businesses to manage bribery risks and demonstrate their commitment to a sustainable future.

In this article, we’ll break down Amendment 1:2024 and how it strengthens ISO 37001:2016. We’ll look at the practical ways it helps businesses fight bribery while also supporting environmental initiatives.

We’ll discuss the good and the bad of implementing these changes, offering real-world advice and best practices to make it work for you. By the end, you’ll clearly see how Amendment 1:2024 changes the game for anti-bribery and can position your company as a leader in both ethics and environmental responsibility.

Understanding ISO 37001 and Its Importance

ISO 37001 is the internationally recognized standard for anti-bribery management systems (ABMS). It provides a comprehensive framework for organizations of all sizes and sectors to prevent, detect, and address bribery.

The key components of ISO 37001 include:

  • Anti-bribery policy – A clear and concise policy that sets out the organization’s commitment to preventing bribery.
  • Compliance officer – An individual responsible for overseeing the implementation and maintenance of the ABMS.
  • Training – Regular training for employees and relevant stakeholders on the organization’s anti-bribery policies and procedures.
  • Risk assessments – Identifying and assessing the bribery risks faced by the organization.
  • Due diligence – Conducting due diligence on third parties to mitigate bribery risks.
  • Controls – Implementing appropriate financial and commercial controls to detect and prevent bribery.

By implementing ISO 37001, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to ethical business practices and reduce the risk of bribery-related incidents.

Global Adoption of ISO 37001 and Its Impact

ISO 37001 has garnered global recognition, with various governments and leading corporations adopting the standard to reinforce their anti-bribery efforts. For instance, Singapore and Peru have integrated ISO 37001 into their national frameworks to combat corruption. Singapore mandates the standard for both public and private sectors, enhancing corporate compliance. Similarly, Peru uses ISO 37001 to strengthen its national anti-corruption measures, reflecting a firm commitment to transparency and integrity in government operations.

Major corporations like Microsoft and Walmart have also embraced ISO 37001, incorporating it into their global compliance programs. Alstom, a French multinational, has achieved global certification across all its operations, reflecting a significant milestone in its integrity program. Similarly, SKK Migas, Indonesia’s oil and gas regulator, and Credit Agricole du Maroc, a Moroccan bank, have obtained ISO 37001 certification, highlighting the standard’s relevance across different sectors and regions​. The global adoption of ISO 37001 underscores its vital role in promoting a business landscape defined by integrity, transparency, and accountability.

Overview of Amendment 1: 2024

The Amendment 1:2024 to ISO 37001:2016 marks a significant evolution in the standard, emphasizing the integration of climate action into anti-bribery management systems. This amendment is a proactive response to the growing urgency of addressing climate change and its impact on global business operations. Recognizing that environmental responsibility and sustainability are now critical components of corporate governance, the amendment aims to ensure that organizations not only focus on preventing bribery but also incorporate climate-related considerations into their strategic planning and operational frameworks.

The effective date for this amendment was February 2024, by which time all organizations certified under ISO 37001 will need to comply with the new requirements. This amendment aligns ISO 37001 with international climate agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the link between anti-bribery efforts and environmental sustainability. By incorporating climate change considerations, the amendment reflects a broader commitment to sustainable development and ethical business practices. It highlights the growing importance of aligning corporate operations with global initiatives to mitigate climate risks and reduce carbon footprints.

The alignment with international climate agreements demonstrates ISO’s recognition of the dual imperatives of combating corruption and addressing climate change. This holistic approach ensures that businesses are better equipped to manage the risks associated with both bribery and environmental impacts. Organizations will now need to assess how climate change affects their operations and the expectations of their stakeholders, embedding these considerations into their anti-bribery management systems. This comprehensive integration aims to foster a more resilient, transparent, and accountable business environment, capable of adapting to the evolving demands of sustainability and ethics.

Key Changes and Additions

Amendment 1:2024 to ISO 37001:2016 introduces significant changes aimed at integrating climate action into anti-bribery management systems. The amendment, effective from February 2024, requires organizations to align their anti-bribery efforts with international climate agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the interconnectedness of ethical business practices and environmental sustainability. The key changes and additions in this amendment include two critical clauses: Clause 4.1 and Clause 4.2.

Clause 4.1: Assessing Climate Change Relevance

Clause 4.1 mandates organizations to assess the relevance of climate change to their operations. This involves several key factors:

  • Operational Impact – Organizations must determine how climate change directly or indirectly affects their business operations. This includes evaluating physical risks like extreme weather events and transitional risks such as changes in climate policies and regulations.
  • Strategic Planning – Companies need to incorporate climate-related risks into their strategic planning processes. This integration ensures that business continuity plans and long-term objectives account for potential climate impacts.
  • Risk Management – Identifying and managing climate-related risks is essential. Organizations must evaluate vulnerabilities in their supply chains, production processes, and market dynamics influenced by climate change.
  • Stakeholder Expectations – Understanding and addressing the expectations of stakeholders regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation is crucial. This helps ensure that the company’s climate strategy aligns with broader societal goals and regulatory requirements.

Clause 4.2: Considering Climate Change-Related Requirements

Clause 4.2 requires organizations to consider the climate change-related requirements of interested parties in their anti-bribery management systems. The key factors include:

  • Stakeholder Requirements – Organizations must identify and consider the climate change-related requirements of their stakeholders. This involves engaging with stakeholders to understand their expectations and incorporating these into corporate policies and procedures.
  • Regulatory Compliance – Ensuring compliance with relevant climate-related regulations and standards is essential. This includes adhering to national and international laws aimed at reducing carbon footprints and promoting environmental sustainability.
  • Sustainability Clauses in Contracts – Incorporating sustainability clauses into contracts with suppliers, partners, and other third parties ensures that all parties involved in the organization’s operations commit to climate-friendly practices.
  • Policy Integration – Updating internal policies to reflect climate-related considerations is critical. This involves revising anti-bribery policies to include environmental sustainability as a component of ethical business practices.
  • Monitoring and Reporting – Establishing mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on climate-related initiatives is necessary. This includes setting up systems to track progress against climate goals and ensuring transparency in reporting to stakeholders.

Implications and Strategic Implementation of ISO 37001 Amendment 1: A Guide for Businesses

The implementation of Amendment 1:2024 to ISO 37001:2016 brings significant changes that businesses must integrate into their anti-bribery management systems to ensure compliance and enhance sustainability. This amendment, effective from February 2024, aligns ISO 37001 with international climate agreements, such as the Paris Agreement, underscoring the interconnectedness of anti-bribery efforts and environmental sustainability. Here’s a comprehensive guide for businesses on understanding the implications and strategically implementing these changes.

Implications for Existing ISO 37001 Certifications

Organizations with ISO 37001 certifications must now integrate climate considerations into their anti-bribery management systems. This involves:

  • Assess how climate change directly or indirectly affects business operations. This includes understanding physical risks like extreme weather events and transitional risks such as new regulatory requirements.
  • Engage with stakeholders to understand and incorporate their climate-related requirements and expectations. This ensures that the company’s climate strategy aligns with broader societal and regulatory demands.
  • Revise internal policies to include climate considerations, ensuring that all business practices reflect these new requirements.

Immediate Implementation and Audit Implications

The amendment requires immediate implementation with no transition period, which means organizations must act swiftly to integrate these changes:

  • Review and evaluate internal and external climate-related issues as part of the organization’s risk management process.
  • Adjust anti-bribery management systems to include sustainability clauses and other climate-related requirements, ensuring all necessary changes are documented.
  • Ensure readiness for audits by having all climate-related changes in place, as failure to integrate these changes could result in non-conformities during audits.

Strategic Implementation of ISO 37001 Amendment 1

To navigate the transition to ISO 37001:2016/Amd 1:2024 effectively, businesses should follow these steps:

  • Conduct a thorough review of existing management systems to identify areas that need adjustment in light of the new climate action requirements.
  • Ensure that all contracts with suppliers, partners, and other third parties include sustainability clauses to promote climate-friendly practices.

Best Practices for Integrating Climate Action

Adopting the following best practices will help businesses effectively integrate climate action into their anti-bribery management systems:

✔️ Continuously assess how climate change impacts various business aspects, including supply chains, production processes, and market dynamics. Regular evaluations help identify emerging risks and opportunities, ensuring that the business remains resilient and adaptive to changes in the environment.

✔️ Update company policies and operational procedures to address identified climate risks and opportunities. Ensure these changes are well-integrated into the business’s anti-bribery framework, promoting a cohesive approach to compliance and sustainability.

✔️ Develop strategies to improve the organization’s resilience to climate-related risks. This includes building adaptability into business models, enabling the company to respond effectively to environmental changes and challenges, and ensuring long-term sustainability.

✔️ Engage with stakeholders, including investors, customers, and regulatory bodies, to understand their climate-related expectations and requirements. Incorporate their feedback into the company’s climate strategy to align business practices with broader societal and regulatory goals.

✔️ Incorporate sustainability clauses into contracts with suppliers, partners, and other third parties. These clauses should promote climate-friendly practices and ensure that all parties involved in the business’s operations are committed to reducing environmental impacts.

✔️ Establish mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on climate-related initiatives. Set up systems to track progress against climate goals, ensuring transparency in reporting to stakeholders and demonstrating the company’s commitment to sustainability.

✔️ Hire firms specializing in compliance, risk management, and sustainability to ensure your organization meets the updated ISO 37001:2016/Amd 1:2024 requirements. Corruption and bribery can severely impact any organization, causing financial loss, legal issues, and reputational damage. The ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management Systems (ABMS) standard helps organizations implement effective anti-bribery controls and reduce risks. ABAC™ offers certification as a solution, providing expert guidance, risk assessments, policy formulation, and support throughout the implementation process, ensuring a smooth transition and enhanced compliance.

How ABAC™ Can Help with ISO 37001 Amendment 1 Integration

ABAC™ offers a comprehensive suite of services and solutions designed to assist organizations in combating bribery and corruption, regardless of their operational jurisdictions or cultural environments. Recognizing that corruption is a pervasive issue, ABAC™ ensures that your employees are well-equipped with the knowledge and training necessary to effectively prevent and detect unethical practices.

Our training programs include Introductory, Internal Auditor, and Lead Auditor courses, available both online and in-class. These courses are specifically designed for personnel involved in the development, implementation, and evaluation of their organization’s Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS), as well as those coordinating anti-bribery compliance activities. Certification from ABAC™ provides compelling evidence to regulators, prosecutors, and courts that your organization has made significant efforts to prevent bribery and corruption.

The ABAC™ program ensures that your business has a robust management system in place to prevent, detect, and respond to bribery, complying with anti-bribery laws both internally and externally, covering agents, consultants, suppliers, distributors, and other third parties. ABAC™ collaborates with clients across various industries and organization types, developing comprehensive programs using the latest techniques and best practices to foster an ethical business culture.

Extensive and Effective Global Coverage

ABAC™ boasts a vast network of Certified Fraud Examiners, Compliance Officers, and Research Consultants with diverse industry backgrounds, strategically positioned across five continents. Our multi-national corporate intelligence and forensics network, headquartered in Dubai, operates in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North Africa, and other regions where reliable information is often challenging to obtain.

Our professionals are highly trained in international business compliance, including the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), UK Bribery Act, OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, and Money Laundering Regulations. We gather business intelligence from regulators, industry observers, suppliers, competitors, distributors, and current and former customers. The ABAC™ program can be customized to meet your organization’s specific requirements. Take our assessment to determine your needs and learn how we can assist you in achieving compliance with ISO 37001 Amendment 1.