Gaining this accreditation means that ABAC® has demonstrated to UKAS that it has the necessary systems & processes in place to provide competent, consistent & impartial certification against the ISO 37001:2016 ABMS standard. In turn, holding accredited ABMS certification enables organisations to demonstrate to both regulators & customers that they have independently assessed & robust anti-bribery systems in place.

UKAS Accredits ABAC™ Center of Excellence’s Anti-Bribery Certification Capabilities

ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited, ISO 37001 certification body, announced that the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) has accredited its ABAC Certification services for administering the ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems standard.

ISO 37001 certification body ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited provides ISO 37001:2016 anti-bribery management systems certification for organisations that implement prescribed measures to prevent, detect and address bribery. Pursuant to this, UKAS accredited ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited in the UK, Malaysia and Dubai for ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management Systems (ABMS) certification in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1: 2015 conformity assessment requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems.

Congratulations to everyone at ABAC™ Center of Excellence on achieving accreditation for certifying anti-bribery management systems. Gaining this accreditation means that ABAC™ has demonstrated to UKAS that it has the necessary systems and processes in place to provide competent, consistent and impartial certification against the ISO 37001:2016 ABMS standard.  In turn, holding accredited ABMS certification enables organisations to demonstrate to both regulators and customers that they have independently assessed and robust anti-bribery systems in place. 

As ISO 37001:2016 is an internationally recognised standard, this could be an important factor in helping organisations maintain or expand their business by showing that they satisfy national and international anti-bribery compliance requirements, both in the UK and abroad.” UKAS said in a statement.

The scope of industries that ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited is accredited for providing certification includes banking and finance; real estate, property; legal business services; construction and public administration and contracts;  power generation and transmission; mining, oils, gases/utilities, pharmaceutical and healthcare; transport and storage.

UKAS is the sole national accreditation body for the United Kingdom, and is recognised by the government to assess against internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide certification, testing, inspection and calibration services. Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of conformity assessment services. UKAS is a non-profit distributing private company, limited by guarantee, and is independent of Government.

Zafar Anjum, CEO of ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited, ISO 37001 Certification Body, said: “We are honoured that UKAS has accredited the ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited for the scope of ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System. We know this anti-bribery management standard is critical for any organisation seeking to prevent bribery, demonstrate “adequate procedures”, and stay in compliance with new and emerging laws and legislation.”

As the United Kingdom’s sole national accreditation body, accreditation from UKAS is seen as a badge of honour and critical to giving our customers confidence in the competency and quality of ABAC’s certification services for ISO 37001:2016 ABMS,” said Huma Khalid, Scheme Manager at ABAC® Center of Excellence Limited.

About UKAS

The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) is the sole National Accreditation Body for the United Kingdom. UKAS is recognised by Government, to assess against nationally and internationally agreed standards, organisations that provide conformity assessment services such as certification, testing, inspection, calibration and verification.

Accreditation by UKAS demonstrates the competence, impartiality and performance capability of these evaluators. In short, UKAS ‘checks the checkers’.

It is Government policy to recommend the use of UKAS accredited conformity assessment services whenever this is an option. The Conformity assessment and accreditation policy in the UK requires UK conformity assessment bodies seeking accreditation to do so from UKAS as the sole NAB for the UK.

UKAS is appointed as the National Accreditation Body (NAB) by the Accreditation Regulations 2009 (S.I. No 2009/3155) and Schedule 33 of the Product Safety and Metrology etc. (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/696).

UKAS is independent of Government but operates under a Memorandum of Understanding with Government through the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). UKAS is licensed by BEIS to use and confer the national accreditation symbols which symbolise Government recognition of the accreditation process.

UKAS is a non-profit-distributing private company, limited by guarantee. It operates as an independent body providing a public authority activity and operating in the public interest. UKAS is self-financing and charges fees to conformity assessment bodies to cover operational costs and other expenditures.

As UKAS’ sponsor Department within Government, BEIS provides funding to undertake public interest activities (i.e. non-fee earning activities) in representing the UK’s interests in the global accreditation system.

UKAS’ involvement in international accreditation groups such as EAIAF and ILAC, provides for mutual recognition of accreditation and accredited services. This reduces the need for multiple assessments of suppliers, and as a consequence helps to reduce barriers to trade for organisations who hold UKAS accreditation or certificates issued by a UKAS accredited body.

Contact ABAC™ Center of Excellence Limited

Huma Khalid
Scheme Manager
t: +44 777 652 4355+971 521 042 433